School Condition Allocation (SCA)
School Condition Allocations (SCA) funds are available each year to larger bodies such as MATs and local authorities to help maintain and improve the condition of school buildings and grounds. Smaller bodies such as sixth form colleges and small academy trusts can instead apply for Condition Improvement Funding (CIF).
SCA eligibility criteria
Multi Academy Trusts and VA bodies must meet both the following criteria:
- must have had 5 or more schools open at the start of September 2021
- those schools must have had at least 3,000 pupils counted in the spring 2021 census or the 2020 to 2021 individualised learner record (ILR)
SCA funding expenditure
SCA funds are distributed in 9 equal payments throughout the year, and should be used as capital expenditure to keep school buildings safe and in good working order. This can be by improving those buildings in a poor condition, ensuring buildings are compliant and energy efficient, and by rectifying any outstanding health and safety issues.
Hookway can advise you on all aspects of SCA funding applications, including eligibility for your institution, the amount of funding available and which capital expenditures you can spend the funding on.
If you want to know more please call 0117 955 4545 or email and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
If you want to know more please call or email and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
0117 955 4545