Hookway is experienced in providing advice upon the feasibility of any proposed project to enable our clients to make informed decisions when deciding if a project is viable prior to any firm commitments or large expenditure.
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Production of Budget cost estimates is vital to ensure that a proposed project is in line with the available funds. We are able to produce estimates from various levels of information from initial sketches through to more detailed proposals.
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Many procurement routes and forms of contract are available for a construction project. Knowing which are best suited to a particular project and set of circumstances can be a daunting task.
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Hookway is able to provide and collate the production of the necessary documentation to obtain competitive or negotiated tenders as required.
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All procurement routes require that a party acts as an administrator, although often under the guise of a different job title (Contract Administrator, Project Manager etc). The role varies in complexity depending on many factors.
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The requirement for independent reporting to funders is often a condition of any finance provision and the Hookway Partnership are able provide such monitoring services to all manner of funders to include banks, Lottery funding and other such organisations.
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Hookway believes that value engineering should be more than a simple cost reduction exercise. All elements and functions are continually reviewed as design progresses to highlight potential areas for consideration.
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During the construction phase of the works various matters can arise that is some way alter either the cost, programme, or quality of the works (often a combination of more than one factor).
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In order to minimise unnecessary costs change on construction projects needs to be avoided. However, in many projects change is inevitable, for varying reasons.
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Most construction projects have a lengthy duration and thus require the contractor(s) to be paid for works done to date on an interim basis (monthly being commonplace).
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Hookway is able to offer professional advice and assistance to any party to help in achieving a satisfactory resolution to construction related disputes.
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Maintaining buildings can be an expensive undertaking. The Hookway Partnership are able to assist.
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Hookway is able to carry out reports to demonstrate to insurers and the like the actual likely cost of reconstructing or repairing buildings should they become damaged in some way.
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