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The requirement for independent reporting to funders is often a condition of any finance provision. Hookway is able provide such monitoring services to all manner of funders to include banks, Lottery funding and other such organisations.

The exact details of what is required will vary depending on the funder and value but often take the form of official reports issued at set times or procurement milestones. Due Diligence reports are also able to be provided to organisations to provide independent professional advice on any potential projects prior to proceeding. Requirements vary enormously between organisations and so necessitate flexible reporting mechanisms.

If you want to know more please call or email and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.

0117 955 4545


“The needs of the school were always at heart and I felt that I had a voice in the process. The two new classrooms are fantastic. They are light, airy and spacious, and the children love them. The children refer to them as the ‘Posh Wing’.”

“Hookway have worked in collaboration with us to deliver this transformation project and have provided regular clear communication throughout which has helped with the smooth running of the project. The project team have all played a vital role in this year-long programme and we’re delighted the project has finished on time and on budget.”

“I lose count of the amount of positive comments we receive from visitors on how great the new build looks and it really fits in well with the existing building.”


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 Cube decal

Heat Pumps: The Future of Home Heating in the UK

Heat pump technology could help reduce carbon emissions, improve energy efficiency, and reduce household bills. Read about the challenges and the opportunities associated with funding, installing and learning how to use heat pumps as an alternative to gas heating.

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CIF OUTCOME - 2022/23

The Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) 2022/23 results have been announced and Hookway is delighted to have achieved a 75% success rate on bid applications.

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Block Rebuild - Ashcombe Primary School

Hookway overcame a CIF funding challenge for Ashcombe Primary School who had major concerns around the suitability, condition and safety of its two large teaching blocks.

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