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Since the Paris Climate Agreement, businesses all over the world have been focusing on finding ways to lower their carbon emissions. In line with this Hookway is embracing and facilitating more sustainable methods of building,  developing and maintaining buildings.  Our comprehensive energy audits allow us to recommend practical ways to reduce the carbon footprint of your business premises. 

Plant growing

Funding schemes 

We make sure that we are aware of new Government funding schemes as and when they occur and make it our business to inform existing clients about any relevant opportunities. These schemes can be temporary and/or very specific so a prompt response and application is often critical to being able to benefit from available funding.

As experts in this field we have been hugely successful in helping  secure crucial funding for clients in the latest round of Salix LCSF. These funds enable detailed, specialist energy appraisals to be carried out on their buildings, enhancing their chance of securing capital funding to finance decarbonisation projects.

Enquire about funding streams


Energy Audits  

An energy audit is key to building decarbonisation.  It involves surveying your building or premises to assess ways of reducing carbon emissions. 

Our experienced energy auditors take a 'whole of building' approach in order to recommend practical ways of both reducing emissions and achieving cost savings. Recommendations may include upgrading or installing new heating systems, improving building insulation, switching to LED lighting or installing solar panels. 

Enquire about energy audits

Air Pump

Heat Decarbonisation

Heating accounts for more than half of all energy used in the world* and the majority of this is produced using fossil fuels, it is therefore a key focus for reducing carbon emissions. There are several more sustainable options available for heating including; electrification, heat pumps, green gas and biomass, hybrid heating and hydrogen. Heat pumps, which take natural warmth from the ground or air and use this to heat both air and water, are becoming an increasingly popular option.  

Our energy experts will be able to recommend the best option for your building allowing you to both reduce emissions and save money.   

* International Energy Agency 

Enquire about heat decarbonisation

LED lighting in office

LED Lighting

Lighting accounts for around 5% of global CO2 emissions, switching to energy efficient lighting (LED)  could save over 1,400 million tons of CO2 and reduce the need for new power stations.  LED lighting offers savings of between 50-70% and is recognised as one of the easiest technologies to implement to support the transition to a low carbon economy.

Hookway's energy experts can audit your premises and recommend options for switching to LED to help you reduce both emissions and costs.  

Enquire about led lighting

Solar Panels

Solar Panels 

Solar panels (sometimes referred to as photovoltaics) work by capturing and converting energy from the sun into electricity. This can then be used in the building or sold to the national grid to generate income.

Solar panels can deliver significant financial and environmental benefits. A commercial system could provide free electricity for around 25 years and reduce your carbon footprint by providing clean, renewable energy. 

Enquire about solar panels 


“The new building has been open for over a year and teachers and pupils are still excited about it. It is so well designed in terms of light, space and ventilation that it is a joy to work in. The projecting roof at each end creates fantastic covered play space.”

“The needs of the school were always at heart and I felt that I had a voice in the process. The two new classrooms are fantastic. They are light, airy and spacious, and the children love them. The children refer to them as the ‘Posh Wing’.”

“Hookway have helped to transform our aging washrooms over the past few months with minimum disruption to the school. Project management and funding application have been undertaken by Hookway in a very professional and helpful manner and we look forward to working with them in the future. ”


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 Cube decal

Heat Pumps: The Future of Home Heating in the UK

Heat pump technology could help reduce carbon emissions, improve energy efficiency, and reduce household bills. Read about the challenges and the opportunities associated with funding, installing and learning how to use heat pumps as an alternative to gas heating.

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 Cube decal

CIF OUTCOME - 2022/23

The Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) 2022/23 results have been announced and Hookway is delighted to have achieved a 75% success rate on bid applications.

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 Cube decal

Block Rebuild - Ashcombe Primary School

Hookway overcame a CIF funding challenge for Ashcombe Primary School who had major concerns around the suitability, condition and safety of its two large teaching blocks.

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